Styling The In-between…

Cosy corners of candlelight and the smell of firewood embers …

Whilst many of us inevitably spend much more time within our own four walls, our thoughts are turning to Christmas even earlier this year. A few of us may be happy to welcome the festive season early, yet many of us are still celebrating the seasonal change of autumn through to winter.. If like myself you feel a little reluctant to begin decking the halls in November but are still yearning to create a a cosy winter feel, here are some little tips on styling for these inbetween days, which will gently ease us into the festive period…

Get Foraging:

‘Borrowing from nature’ is my first point of call every season. By foraging for dead heads or broken branches, I instantly add more texture to my interiors. Whether it’s leafy green branches in the summer or the dried flower heads of autumn, I think it brings a wonderful seasonality to our home, and is one of the easiest ways to update my decor. Pop a bunch, or even a single stem in a vase or glass jar for an instant seasonal switch up. Pine and ivy are also normally in abundance at this time of year, so you could always start introducing little pieces here and there before December to ease us in gradually…

Create wreathes and garlands that can be added onto for the festive season:

Wreathes and garlands aren’t just for Christmas! I love making seasonal pieces, and this time of year is the best time of all! I tend to make something fairly paired back now, usually with dried pieces… and just add lots more foraged foliage on to it for Christmas!

Candles and Lanterns:

If you don’t have a fire, you can still create a warm glow that will take you through to the festive season with candles and lanterns. Dot them around the home to create a cosy feel, and introduce festive tea light holders to a little later on when more sparkle is needed! You don’t always need a huge tablescape for your Christmas table either… lots of dinner candles can make a beautifully simple and charming centrepiece.


Place throws and blankets over armchairs, beds, anywhere really! Layer them with cushions and introduce other textures through rugs. I like to stick with natural fibres for a more country feel, and enjoy layering linen, wool and more recently hemp. These fabrics really help to soften and compliment the natural textures of stone and wood that we have in abundance throughout our home.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this read. Do let me know if you try any of these ideas!

Speak soon,

Emma x

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